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The new testament gives us clear direction on how to pray. Prayer is a serious give and take communication with God, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit.
(Mathew: Chapter 6: verses 5-8)

A fellow SA. person can gather in the prayer with a like, or comment on it with a like kind prayer. Everyone is anonymous, so each person is free to express their communication with God within a group for the special needs we may require, or just to give thanks and praise to the one who made the universe.
“Jesus said, where there are two or three gathered in my name, there I am among them (Mathew: Chapter: 18 verse 20).

Jesus outlined how our manner and in the order of preferences, in which we should address God when we pray. It is good to take a moment before we pray to think about what the specific things are, that we must either need change in, repentance in, forgiveness in, or to pray and ask for needs that we require in our lives.

Since earnest from the heart original prayer is also a requirement of God, it works best both ways, instead of repeating the same prayer repeatedly. (Mathew: Chapter 6: verses 7-9)

In parenthesis, a volunteer has highlighted some examples we may think of to help pray about.

Luke: Chapter 11, verse 2,
“And he said to them, “When you pray, say:

“Our Father in heaven hallowed be your name.
(Thank God for another day of life, and admire the creation, offer worship, and give thanks the one true God who made it all).

“Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
(Thank God and ask God to grow your faith in new ways and works toward the kingdom to come, and in this very moment every day, in our lives now).

“Give us this day our daily bread”
(Directly ask God for things that we may require and are well thought out before we pray for them)

“And forgive us our debts”
(Ask God for forgiveness of yesterday’s individual sins, in the name of Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirits guidance in not to repeat them).

“As we also have forgiven our debtors”
(In order for God to forgive us, we must forgive individuals who have done wrong against us).

“And lead us not into temptation”
(We must pray to be vigilant in our everyday lives and demeanor as not to “fall into the temptation life brings” that only manifests toward death. To choose good things in this life God rewards us for now, and for the everlasting life in the Kingdom to come)

“But deliver us from evil”
(Pray for good meaningful consciousness and clear thought processes in our daily decisions)